Angela Person

Counselor Insight

Self-Aware Student

Introduction 00

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This report contains the same information as in the Student Insight Report but is intended to be used to help staff, counselors and teachers understand a student better.  The report sections use a variety of psychological tools, models and lenses to show the student from a number of different perspectives.  


It is recommended that you read through the report to locate the sections that relate to the areas in which you believe the student is having problems or needs support for development in order for you to get the greatest insight into how to help your student most effectively.


Many student problems can be traced to one of the following situations:

  • Overusing their strengths and preferences when this is no longer the ideal solution
  • Trying to use a relatively undeveloped part of themselves which then comes out awkward and inappropriate
  • Dealing with other students or staff who have different preferences


Any of the above situations can result in either students feeling like something is wrong with them or that there is something wrong with other people, when what is most likely is that no one is wrong, they are just different people with different preferences and needs.


Help students move through the three phases:

  1. Self Discovery - recognizing themselves in the reports and verifying their best fit.
  2. Self Awareness - being aware they are different from others, their strengths and opportunities.
  3. Self Development - learning how to channel their strengths and compensate for their weaknesses, especially when dealing with others.


After meeting with a student it can be useful to come back to this report and see if any of the other sections provide additional value based on what you learned from the student.


In some cases, the relevant sections may be fairly obvious. A student who is reporting significant stress may get the greatest insight and help with development from examining the different stressors detailed in Section 03 Essential Motivators or Section 04 Interaction Styles. A student who is having difficulty working with others on group projects may benefit from looking at Section 02 Engagement Styles as the emphasis here is on how we prefer to work with others. 


On other occasions, you might need to help the student locate sections or parts of sections that will increase insight and awareness. For example, stress might be arising because the student is being asked to act or work in a way that more closely matches the “Not You” bullets in Section 07 Type Dimension Preferences rather than the preferred “More You” style. While students need to be encouraged to flex their styles to meet the demands of school (and life!), trying to be someone you’re not takes significant energy, energy that otherwise could be put to use to gaining new knowledge and acquiring new skills.

01 Results for 16 Patterns ENFP

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Shows the self-discovery vote tallies as both patterns and as four letter type codes

Verified Result

92% Accuracy
65 Vote Tally
Extraverted Intuition
Introverted Feeling

What is a Pattern?

Each pattern represents a set of psychological preferences. From the Jungian perspective, each pattern is a combination of a way of gathering information and a way of making decisions. It is also a description of how people with that pattern balance their mental energy.

Knowing which pattern fits best (your pattern of preferences) gives you insight into what strategies and behaviors are likely to help you succeed. It helps you gain a perspective on your own strengths and weaknesses and gives you power over how to define yourself and your life. You control how you work on developing your strengths. You decide which weaknesses to shore up and minimize the negative impact in your life. Knowing your pattern can be one key to understanding when to stop using your preferred behaviors and change to another strategy to be more successful in a particular set of circumstances.

Each person is unique, so during the Self-Discovery Process (both activities and verification) the goal is to find the psychological pattern that comes as close as possible to accurately describing you. This means that while psychological patterns near the top of the list will likely describe Angela better, that pattern will also have a few things that don’t fit her. And those patterns near the bottom of the list will likely have very few statements that seem like Angela. The goal is to find the psychological pattern that feels like the “closest” fit. There will never be a “perfect“ fit.

Why Should You Verify a Single Pattern?

Sometimes people ask what is the point of picking a single pattern that “best” describes your preferences. The whole goal is to help people understand themselves and others SO that they can then learn skills and behaviors to make their lives better. One way to make this more concrete is to compare a pattern of preferences to “handedness.”

  1. People, in general, have a preference for being left or right handed.
  2. You can use both hands, but one is more natural and easy, you have a “preference” for it
  3. If you have to use your non-preferred hand, you can, but it typically requires more work, energy, time and the result doesn’t always look as nice.
  4. For most people, if you have to carry something heavy, you use both hands.

The same is true of psychological preferences:

  1. People, in general, have preferences for particular psychological functions.
  2. You can use all of the psychological functions, but some are more natural and easy, you have a “preference” for them.
  3. If you have to use a non-preferred psychological function, you can, but it typically requires more work, energy, time and the result doesn’t always come out as nice.
  4. For most people, if you have something important in your life, you tend to use all the relevant functions, preferred and non-preferred.

In an ideal world, just like grabbing scissors or a mouse that matches your preferred handedness, you want to match the work environment to your psychological preferences. For example, if you do your best thinking alone, then make sure to plan some alone time for critical projects, and if you do your best thinking with others, then make sure to plan some time with others to discuss your critical projects.

Verifying your pattern accelerates the ability to find and choose the behaviors and environment where you can be most successful.

A best-fit and verification process helps solve many of the problems with the accuracy of any self-discovery process. A best-fit and verification process is not only a necessary requirement for the ethical use of many assessments – it is also a great way to help make sure any advice provided will be as accurate and as meaningful as possible. For our reports, we combine each person’s verified psychological likely best-fit with all the data we have on that individual from a variety of other psychological models to provide the most personalized reports and advice we can.

The accuracy percentage displayed for Angela’s verified pattern is a number Angela chose to represent how accurately and consistently her preferred pattern described her. It doesn’t mean Angela is more or less this pattern than other people. It is simply a reflection of how accurate our descriptions and reports are for her.

What Angela's Vote Tally Means

A Vote Tally is shown for each psychological pattern. The Vote is tallied based on the consistency of choices made by Angela during the self-discovery activity process. These vote tallies help illustrate several things.

  1. No one is ever perfectly any pattern
  2. We are all complicated, unique people
  3. People, in general, do behave in patterns
  4. Doing multiple discovery activities illustrates that many of our likes and preferences tend to be consistent

Angela's Complete Vote Tally of the 16 Patterns

Vote Tally Visual Type™ Cognitive Functions Jungian Functions Type Code
Vote Tally: 65
Visual Type™:
Interpreting Valuing
Jungian Functions: Ne Fi
Type Code: ENFP
Vote Tally: 56
Visual Type™:
Interpreting Analyzing
Jungian Functions: Ne Ti
Type Code: ENTP
Vote Tally: 54
Visual Type™:
Connecting Foreseeing
Jungian Functions: Fe Ni
Type Code: ENFJ
Vote Tally: 50
Visual Type™:
Valuing Interpreting
Jungian Functions: Fi Ne
Type Code: INFP
Vote Tally: 45
Visual Type™:
Experiencing Valuing
Jungian Functions: Se Fi
Type Code: ESFP
Vote Tally: 42
Visual Type™:
Connecting Reviewing
Jungian Functions: Fe Si
Type Code: ESFJ
Vote Tally: 34
Visual Type™:
Foreseeing Connecting
Jungian Functions: Ni Fe
Type Code: INFJ
Vote Tally: 28
Visual Type™:
Experiencing Analyzing
Jungian Functions: Se Ti
Type Code: ESTP
Vote Tally: 21
Visual Type™:
Valuing Experiencing
Jungian Functions: Fi Se
Type Code: ISFP
Vote Tally: 20
Visual Type™:
Reviewing Connecting
Jungian Functions: Si Fe
Type Code: ISFJ
Vote Tally: 19
Visual Type™:
Segmenting Foreseeing
Jungian Functions: Te Ni
Type Code: ENTJ
Vote Tally: 18
Visual Type™:
Foreseeing Segmenting
Jungian Functions: Ni Te
Type Code: INTJ
Vote Tally: 13
Visual Type™:
Segmenting Reviewing
Jungian Functions: Te Si
Type Code: ESTJ
Vote Tally: 12
Visual Type™:
Reviewing Segmenting
Jungian Functions: Si Te
Type Code: ISTJ
Vote Tally: 10
Visual Type™:
Analyzing Interpreting
Jungian Functions: Ti Ne
Type Code: INTP
Vote Tally: 9
Visual Type™:
Analyzing Experiencing
Jungian Functions: Ti Se
Type Code: ISTP
Results for 16 Patterns Authors
Original work by: Sterling Bates Linda Berens Katherine Hirsh © Step Research Corporation

02 Cognitive Super Power - Expanded ENFP

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This section describes your Superpower; your dominant, "go to" behavior that is so natural, fast, and easy to access, you may not even know you have or are using it.

The “superpower” described here is a distinctive personality quality that comes naturally to the person who has it, whereas it would take others a great deal of concerted effort to access the same sort of skill.  This Cognitive Super Power is a reflection of how their specific personality type can be leveraged when working with others to make a large contribution to the group.  This is based on Jungian dominant function.  It represents the preferred and typically strongest function of the individual at their best.
Energized Webs

Energized Webs

Angela’s Superpower

"We can move forward together."
  • Compelled to help by generating endless ideas to change things for everyone’s benefit
  • Does everything in her power to explore new and unusual possibilities, and analyze for uncommon connections
  • Angela may sometimes fail to finish because she is is coming up with new additions
  • She loves connecting ideas in unique, innovative ways, often making changes just for the fun of it
  • Angela typically finds brainstorming a relief to finally let all her ideas out

Good Day

Good Day

Change Motivator

Bad Day

Bad Day

Needy Monopolizer


Energized Webs

Angela is able to generate endless ideas and interconnecting thoughts, which is what Energized Webs is all about. Those with Energized Webs superpower are always thinking many thoughts that relate to interconnected webs of information. She is constantly flooded by many thoughts, ideas, and interpretations, often very unrelated to whatever is in front of her, and yet bringing in other information from outside the context that is quite likely to relevant and innovative.

For Angela, being asked to brainstorm is both a pleasure and a relief; she no longer has to keep trying to slow down the infinite supply of ideas. Like lightning strikes, Angela's ideas jump from topic to topic, which can sometimes be very frustrating to those around her when this power is overused.

Often when Angela should be focusing on getting a task done, Angela's brain is instead coming up with new and different ways to approach the task. In an argument, those with Energized Web superpower are often simultaneously playing devil's advocate for all sides.

She often finds her mouth open blurting out an idea or a connection without any need to decide if it is good or not.

Cognitive Super Power - Expanded Authors
Original work by: Sterling Bates Gene Bellotti © Step Research Corporation

03 Engagement Styles ENFP

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This section describes how you prefer to interact and engage when you are working with others in order to help you realize how you can make the biggest, most significant contributions.

This section shows how an individual predominantly prefers to do their work and engage with others.  This information can help you realize what sorts of groups you will work best in and what sort of role you should try to adopt when working with others in order to make your best contribution possible.  This is built on Jungian psychology and is about how you prefer to engage with the world around you. 

Angela's Engagement Style:

Dynamically Explore
  • Your dominant engagement style describes how you prefer to interact and engage with others, especially when working on a project.
  • Your engagement style can be helpful in identifying how you prefer to interact with teammates and how you make your best contributions.
  • Each engagement style has several key opportunities for making a project successful.
  • When an engagement style is overused, then that style can create threats to a project's success.
Carefully Understand
  • Understand ramifications
  • Making the plan
  • Analysis paralysis
  • Refusal to change plan
Refine for Perfection
  • Tweak to improve
  • Quietly fixing things
  • Never finished updating
  • Lack of decision
Dynamically Explore
  • Energetic discovery
  • Building enthusiasm
  • Unnecessary changes
  • Not completing
Organize and Direct
  • Move others forward
  • Achieving goals
  • Badgering
  • Hasty decisions
Engagement Styles Authors
Original work by: Sterling Bates Gene Bellotti © Step Research Corporation

04 Essential Motivator - Expanded ENFP

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Essential Motivators, your core psychological needs, values and talents as described by Linda Berens

What are your core psychological needs, values and talents? What needs are so essential to your existence that you will go to great lengths to get them met? Your core psychological needs and values have been with you from the beginning as well as the talents that help you scratch the itch that the needs create. This is the heart of who we are, so you will learn more about the essence of the roots of your personality as well as of those around you. This will open up a deep understanding of different perspectives, different talent agendas, and sources of conflict and stress. The Essential Motivators aspect of the Berens CORE™ lenses is grounded in the patterns David Keirsey called temperament and that were further differentiated and refined by Linda Berens.


Angela’s Essential Motivator

To catalyze is to engage with others in a way that promotes their identity without losing one’s own identity.
Catalyzing is natural to those who need to have a meaning and purpose to their lives.
It is the means to self-actualization.
  • Angela tends to be gifted at unifying diverse peoples and helping individuals realize their potential
  • She builds bridges between people through empathy and clarification of deeper issues
  • She uses these same skills to help people work through difficulties
  • Thus, Angela can make an excellent mediator, helping people and companies solve conflicts through mutual cooperation
  • If working on a global level, Angela tends to champion a cause
  • If working on an individual level, she focuses on growth and development of the person.


Unique identity


Insincerity and betrayal

Loss of meaning

Lack of integrity



Angela wants to be authentic, benevolent, and empathic. She searches for identity, meaning, and significance. Angela is relationship oriented, particularly valuing meaningful relationships. Angela tends to be idealistic and visionary, wanting to make the world a better place. She looks to the future. She trusts her intuition, imagination, and impressions. Angela focuses on developing potential, fostering and facilitating growth through coaching, teaching, counseling, and communicating. She is generally enthusiastic. Angela thinks in terms of integration and similarities and looks for universals. She often is gifted in the use of metaphors to bridge different perspectives. Angela usually is diplomatic. She frequently is drawn to work that inspires and develops people and relationships.

Needs & Values

Angela's core needs are for the meaning and significance that come from having a sense of purpose and working toward some greater good. She needs to have a sense of unique identity. Angela values unity, self-actualization, and authenticity. People of this pattern prefer cooperative interactions with a focus on ethics and morality. Angela tends to trust her intuition and impressions first and then seek to find the logic and the data to support her. Given Angela's need for empathic relationships, she learns more easily when she can relate to the instructor and the group.

Skill Set

  • Diplomatic Skill Set
  • Build bridges between people
  • Has empathy
  • Strive to unify by understanding and resolving deeper issues while honoring individual uniqueness
  • Move to a level of abstraction to see how two seemingly different views are alike and then to choose a symbolic way of communicating the similarity to transcend differences
  • Help others harmonize and clarify their values to bring unity to the individual and the group
  • Have foresight and vision with implications for developing the people involved, then communicating that vision so it is accepted and followed
  • Help others find their path and inspire them to follow it
  • Envision and then mentor others to achieve the envisioned potential
Essential Motivator - Expanded Authors
Original work by: Linda Berens © Step Research Corporation

05 Interaction Style - Expanded ENFP

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How you tend to express yourself to others.

How do you tend to express yourself? How are you driven to interact with others? What is your natural energy and movement pattern? Your core Interaction Styles is the most easily observed aspect of your CORE since it is embodied in your communications and movements. The Berens Interaction Styles lens helps us establish rapport and greatly affects relationships of all kinds. Berens Interaction Styles is reflective of the long researched work on temperament in children as well as a deconstruction and reintegration of Social Styles and DiSC models.

Energizer - Get-Things-Going

Angela’s Interaction Style

I have faith that whatever emerges in the interaction will move us forward.
  • Energetic
  • Animated
  • Gregarious
  • Expressive
  • Enthusiastic
  • Engaging
  • Persuasive
  • Casual


To involve and be involved

To move things along


Not being a part of what's going on
Feeling unliked or not accepted

  • Get everyone involved participating
  • Move the group to action along their paths
  • Facilitate the group's process to work with people where they are to get them to where they are going
  • Get the energy moving toward an emerging vision
  • Make enthusiastic, collaborative decisions that ensure buy-in
  • Focus on interactions to get more from the group than group members can get individually
  • Explore options that keep things moving along
  • Make preparations to make things easy for others
  • Discover new ways of seeing things and doing things
  • Share insights about what something means and what is really going on

Energizer - Get-Things-Going

Angela's theme is persuading and involving others. She thrives in facilitator or catalyst roles and aims to inspire others to move to action, facilitating the process. Angela's focus is on interaction, often with an expressive style. She gets things going with upbeat energy, enthusiasm, or excitement, which can be contagious. Exploring options and possibilities, making preparations, discovering new ideas, and sharing insights are all ways she gets people moving along. Angela wants decisions to be participative and enthusiastic, with everyone involved and engaged.

Interaction Style - Expanded Authors
Original work by: Linda Berens © Step Research Corporation

06 Interaction Styles Comparison ENFP

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Showing how you tend to use all four interaction styles.

How do you tend to express yourself? How are you driven to interact with others? What is your natural energy and movement pattern? Your core Interaction Styles is the most easily observed aspect of your CORE since it is embodied in your communications and movements. The Berens Interaction Styles lens helps us establish rapport and greatly affects relationships of all kinds. Berens Interaction Styles is reflective of the long researched work on temperament in children as well as a deconstruction and reintegration of Social Styles and DiSC models.

Angela's Interaction Style:

Energizer - Get-Things-Going

Driven To
To have a plan of action

To see movement and progress
Stressed By
Not knowing what is likely to happen
Don't see progress
Get a desired result
Driven To
To involve and be involved

To move things along
Stressed By
Not being a part of what's going on
Feeling unliked or not accepted
Get an embraced result
Driven To
To get the needed or wanted results

To integrate and harmonize
Stressed By
Not enough input or credit
Pressed to decide too quickly
Get the best result possible
Driven To
To get results

To see action taken
Stressed By
Feel out of control
Nothing being accomplished
Get an achievable result
Interaction Styles Comparison Authors
Original work by: Linda Berens © Step Research Corporation

07 Visual Type™ and Go-To Behaviors ENFP

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This section is a visual model of Carl Jung’s Psychological Types showing how you use all eight behaviors and which two are dominant for you.

This section is a visual model of Carl Jung’s Psychological Types.  While each person uses all eight behaviors at some point, people have two "go to" behaviors they use most frequently in approaching life.  One is dominant and the other is supporting.  One is internal and the other is external.

Visual Type™ provides a visual guide to the predictive use and accessibility of each behavior and an instantly recognizable way to see differences between people.  This helps individuals with self-awareness.  It also helps others understand what they can expect from the individual.  The goal of this section is to make it immediately obvious to non experts how the functions relate to each other and the person based on their whole type.


Look to the new and different ideas and explore many possibilities

Angela uses brainstorming, a verbal questioning to identify patterns that provide insight. Angela looks to Invent as her go-to behavior for gathering information, she prefers seeking answers through brainstorming, identifying patterns and innovation. Angela looks outside the box for answers, seeking something new.

This is where Angela likely starts when interacting with the world. The Primary or Dominant behavior.


Decide based on ethically right or wrong and sync with individual values

Angela aligns personal missions with being understanding. She decides in a way that promotes win-win solutions with the priority on other people's feelings and her own personal ethics and morals. Angela makes decisions that focus on what is right or wrong according to her internal values. Angela then expresses her internal values through external actions.

If the primary behavior is not enough then this is where Angela likely goes for answers next

Understanding Angela's Visual Type™

  • Angela's largest go-to box is Invent: showing her strength of being able brainstorm new ideas, start new projects, think out of the box and find creative solutions to problems.
  • Angela's supporting box is Value, below the line, which may be unseen by others unless she verbalizes how her ideas are supporting or undermining her deeply-held values.
  • Angela's other three top boxes - Now, Execute and Consideration - are drafted to support her Invent function, which she experiences as her Energize Webs Superpower.
These boxes represent the eight different introverted and extraverted mental functions defined by Carl Jung that determine your personality type. We refer to them as Go-To boxes.

You use all eight Go-To boxes but we expect that you find certain ones easy and fun and others slow and tough.

Think of the box size as telling you how natural you are likely to find activities related to that mental function. The smaller the box, the more energy it will likely take you to do any related activities. The bigger the box, the more likely you are to get energy from doing related activities.

The largest box is your largest function or Superpower.

The boxes above the line are what other people see - they are extraverted. The boxes below the line are introverted and are below the surface.

If your main go-to box is introverted, your most commonly used mental function is invisible to others. If your main go-to box is extraverted, others cannot see your supporting introverted box.
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    : Look to the present and immediate needs and explore what is currently available

    Now is very adept at identifying details about something that is happening right now and can be acquired through the five senses. People using NOW tend to be very aware and in the moment, seeking tactics that they can implement right now. Now looks to the present and the immediate moment for solutions.

    Engaging to Experience

    Alive in the moment and aware of what the senses are able to immediately experience

    • Exciting
    • Quick acting
    • Risk taking
    • Details
    • Immediate need

    What's Happening Now

    Alive in the moment and aware of what the senses are able to immediately experience

    • Exciting
    • Quick acting
    • Risk taking
    • Details
    • Immediate need
    Now is about immediately engaging the world around us. We do this by perceiving information through any of our five senses. We might even be using multiple senses simultaneously. Remember we are talking about concrete information; otherwise, it would not be information we perceived through one of the senses.

    The Now function triggers an immediate reaction to or an engagement of what is perceived, so it may appear as if one is quickly changing from one activity to another or shifting interest quickly from one thing to another.

    People who prefer to or naturally use Now to acquire information report liking to "live life to the fullest" or "live on the edge". Often the physical risks are exciting. They also report doing things or saying things that get a recognition or a reaction from others in the moment.


    : Look to the past, traditions and what worked and focus on consistency

    Stabilize is abot keeping an internal database of details that have been learned in the past. Stabilize compares today's data with past data to make an informed decision. People using Stabilize tend to check their memory, make comparisons to the past, and in general look to the past to verify information.

    Reliving to Verify

    Recalling the details of past experiences and reliving the motions that accompany them

    • Remembering
    • Tells it from beginning to end
    • Recalls in time sequence
    • Details
    • Nothing is too old

    Resurrecting the Past

    Recalling the details of past experiences and reliving the motions that accompany them

    • Remembering
    • Tells it from beginning to end
    • Recalls in time sequence
    • Details
    • Nothing is too old
    Stabilize is about checking out the present information by comparing it to previous experiences with similar information. We do this by recalling and reliving the past experiences in our lives. These are concrete experiences that include the emotional experiences or reactions we had to the experience being recalled. The recalled experiences are recalled from start to finish and if they are shared everything from start to finish must be shared.

    When active, Stabilize might appear to be slow in responding or unmoved by the present moment. This is because the focus is not on the present event. Instead it is on examining all past similar experiences.

    When people who prefer, or naturally use, this mental function share the experience it is as if they were sharing the video tape that is playing in the brain. They also know that the devil is in the details, so expect them to be uncomfortable leaving out the details when they are talking and wanting you to include the details when you are talking.

    Recognize that the experiences being recalled may have occurred eons ago, yet they are being talked about as if they only occurred yesterday.


    : Look to the new and different ideas and explore many possibilities

    Invent is about brainstorming, a verbal questioning to identify patterns that provide insight. People using Invent tend to prefer seeking answers through brainstorming, identifying patterns and innovation. Invent looks outside the box for answers, seeking something new.

    Recognizing Patterns and Possibilities

    Creating possibilities for the future and spontaneously recognizing patterns and connections

    • Sharing ideas
    • Takes a global perspective
    • Brainstorming
    • Identifies patterns
    • Is not bothered by details

    Envisioning to Improve

    Creating possibilities for the future and spontaneously recognizing patterns and connections

    • Sharing ideas
    • Takes a global perspective
    • Brainstorming
    • Identifies patterns
    • Is not bothered by details
    Invent is about identifying possibilities and opportunities related to what is happening in the real world. It is generating new ideas based on old ones. It is creating new ideas based on what someone else has shared. It expands one idea into many possibilities without the need for precision or detail.

    Invent when active in a positive way tends to view the opportunities and possibilities positively. Information shared through this function may seem to be superficial or broad brush as the details or what is beneath the surface can be filled in later. The expressions tend to be global in nature.


    : Look to how things connect, the future and predict possible outcomes

    Insight is about the process of identifying seemingly disconnected patterns to result in instant insight into a problem or situation. When using Insight people tend to visualize their goal or end result, focus on strategy, synthesize data almost unconsciously and predict results with surprising accuracy. Insight looks to and visualizes the future for answers.

    Discerning the Essence

    Synthesizing information and identifying the central theme, vision, or significance

    • Gaining insight from the unknown
    • Having the “AHA”
    • Connects the unconnected
    • Difficult to explain
    • Processes randomly

    Insight of Holistic Meaning

    Synthesizing information and identifying the central theme, vision, or significance

    • Gaining insight from the unknown
    • Having the “AHA”
    • Connects the unconnected
    • Difficult to explain
    • Processes randomly
    Insight identifies the opportunity or possibility that is the "best" without really knowing how it was identified. It is like a receiver getting signals from an unknown TRUSTED source. It tends not to focus on intermediate steps instead focusing on the end goal. One might connect with Covey's "Start with the end in mind" as an introverted intuiting approach.

    The insights that are received are like nuggets of gold; however, often the person receiving the nugget does not know how to immediately explain it to others so that they perceive it as a nugget of gold as well. This is often because the nugget appeared as a flash of light or insight without supporting information, so when one attempts to explain why the insight should be trusted the mind is blank. Reflection time is almost always needed to allow some bits of information to drift into consciousness to support the value of the insight. Memory is symbolic and images and ideas are ever-changing.


    : Decide based on measurable goals and drive towards objectives

    Execute is about plans, organizing, schedules, and measures. Execute structures the decision-making process by directing and interacting with other people. Execute focuses on measurable goals. When using it, people tend to think out loud, notice quickly when something is out of sequence or order, set objectives and criteria for success, and create step-by-step procedures. Execute looks to influence and organize the world, even when not solicited to do so.

    Planning and Regulating

    Establishing goals and applying objective analysis to arrive at a logical, defendable decision

    • akes a removed or objective perspective
    • Sounds level headed
    • Works from a defendable position
    • Uses external tools
    • Arranges data logically


    Establishing goals and applying objective analysis to arrive at a logical, defendable decision

    • akes a removed or objective perspective
    • Sounds level headed
    • Works from a defendable position
    • Uses external tools
    • Arranges data logically
    Execute uses accepted tools and techniques to evaluate the information much like surveying instruments are used to determine a specific location. This process organizes information in an orderly manner so the information can be analyzed objectively or impersonally.

    With Execute everything is supported with logically analyzed data. Execute analyzes information within specific boundaries. Western states are different from northeastern states. We can think of Execute as establishing boundaries for the problem or boundaries regarding information that will be considered. Execute involves living by specific rules, regulations and laws and believing others should, as well.


    : Decide based on logically correct or incorrect and evaluate the best approach

    Analzye is about using an internal, logic-based decision-making process that focuses on what is correct or incorrect. When using Analyze people tend to look inside before making decisions, using their mind to create order, to organize and categorize information, identify anomalies, deduce probabilities and understand how things work.

    Understanding Systems

    Repeatedly applying system analysis to data to fit them in one’s subjective mental framework

    • Invisible to others
    • Everything is connected
    • Developed with precision
    • Nothing exists unless it is complete
    • Systematic process

    “That’s Better Defined This Way.”

    Repeatedly applying system analysis to data to fit them in one’s subjective mental framework

    • Invisible to others
    • Everything is connected
    • Developed with precision
    • Nothing exists unless it is complete
    • Systematic process
    Analyze evaluates information based on how consistently and precisely the information fits within established internal systems or frameworks.

    These frameworks are built with precision and take a long time to be completed; therefore, they are not going to be quickly discarded in favor of a different framework. Because this is an introverted function the framework or system is not visible to others. Others often do not get a glimpse of the framework until they arrive at a decision that is not consistent with the framework, at which time they get to witness the volcanic explosion.

    One can think of Analyze as an internal filing system. Each file contains sub-files, which contain sub-files, and so-on. Thus, when one is using Analyze, the time it takes to evaluate information may take a substantial amount of time, as the person must check to see if the information fits within one's complex filing system. If there is no place in the filing system for the piece of information to go, it will be rejected until more information is received.


    : Decide based on people's needs and empathize with others

    Consideration is about giving the other person's personal needs high importance in making a decision. Consideration gives priority to the feelings of others. When using Consideration people tend to be friendly and considerate, try to create harmony between other people, act with kindness, and will disconnect with people who do not show that they care. Consideration looks to help others grow.

    Affirming and Validating

    Expressing appropriate concern and appreciation so group harmony is maintained

    • Everyone is at peace
    • Wants everyone to be happy
    • Appreciates others’ involvement
    • Harmony in the moment
    • Connecting with others

    “You Really Did a Great Job”

    Expressing appropriate concern and appreciation so group harmony is maintained

    • Everyone is at peace
    • Wants everyone to be happy
    • Appreciates others’ involvement
    • Harmony in the moment
    • Connecting with others
    Consideration is about tuning in/noticing/reading the mood or the practical needs of others and then addressing or satisfying those needs.

    Consideration is genuinely 'other focused.' It is the mental function used to assess how others will react to certain decisions. It involves knowing the appropriate thing to do and is satisfied when others are content and working together.

    This function evaluates based on the possible impact on others. It strives for peace externally or peace among others and is about making sure others are not disturbed, annoyed or in conflict. Consideration involves conversing and connecting with others, being with others, appreciating others and celebrating with others. It's all about 'others.'


    : Decide based on ethically right or wrong and sync with individual values

    Value is about aligning personal missions with being understanding. Value decides in a way that promotes win-win solutions with the priority on other people's feelings and their own personal ethics and morals. When using Value people tend to make decisions that focus on what is right or wrong according to their own internal values. They then expresses their internal values through external actions.

    Liking or Disliking

    Feeling internal tranquility when reality matches what is uniquely and deeply valued

    • Shielded from others
    • Timeless
    • Peace within
    • Going it alone
    • Often visible only when violated

    “This is the Only Acceptable Way”

    Feeling internal tranquility when reality matches what is uniquely and deeply valued

    • Shielded from others
    • Timeless
    • Peace within
    • Going it alone
    • Often visible only when violated
    Value evaluates information based on one's unique values. It is easy for one to apply these values to identify what is right, but it is difficult for one to explain to others what one is using to determine what is right.

    These values are shielded and protected from attack by others and thus may make us feel alone, vulnerable, or even on the defensive. There is a bit of mystery as to who this person is and there is a sense of tranquility and personal serenity. The values involved change very little, if at all, over time.

    When these values are attacked, the reaction is often as shocking to those triggering the reaction as it is to the one who is reacting. It is as if a sudden, unexpected explosion has occurred that is the opposite of the serene inner harmony that is generally sought. Value strives for peace internally or an internal calmness and sense that everything is right.
Visual Type™ and Go-To Behaviors Authors
Original work by: Sterling Bates Gene Bellotti Robert McAlpine © Step Research Corporation

08 Type Dimension Preferences ENFP

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These describe how your preferences fit in with 4 core dimensions of your personality

These describe how your preferences fit in with 4 core dimensions of your personality

Preference for Extraversion

The opposite is called Introversion

More Likely You:

  • Energised by the outer world
  • Talk, think, talk
  • Action
  • Breadth

Less Likely You:

  • Energised by the inner world
  • Think, talk, think
  • Reflection
  • Depth

Preference for Intuition

The opposite is called Sensing

More Likely You:

  • Future
  • The big picture
  • Visionary
  • The sixth sense

Less Likely You:

  • Here and now
  • Details
  • Realistic
  • The five senses

Preference for Feeling

The opposite is called Thinking

More Likely You:

  • Values
  • People centred
  • Harmony
  • Compassion

Less Likely You:

  • Logic
  • Task centred
  • Competence
  • Fairness

Preference for Perceiving

The opposite is called Judging

More Likely You:

  • Freedom
  • Process
  • Flexibility
  • Just in time

Less Likely You:

  • Control
  • Closure
  • Plans
  • In good time

Type Dimension Preferences Authors
Original work by: Mette Babitzkow Boje Tina Brøndum Kristjánsson © Step Research Corporation

09 Whole Type ENFP

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The type code embodies a simple presentation, it was meant to represent a whole personality pattern. We are more than the letters of the code or the sum of our preferences.

The personality type code devised by Isabel Myers can be a powerful tool for explaining individual differences.  And while the type code embodies a simple presentation, it was meant to represent a whole personality pattern.  We are more than the letters of the code or the sum of our preferences.  Once we realize that we are dynamic and constantly developing, we are freer to step outside our natural pattern, bridge communication gaps, and follow our natural instincts fo developing unexplored aspects of ourselves.

Discoverer Advocate™

Angela’s Whole Type

  • Inspiring and facilitating others.
  • Exploring perceptions.
  • Talent for seeing what’s not being said and voicing unspoken meanings.
  • Seek to have ideal relationships.
  • Recognize happiness.
  • Living out stories.
  • Want to authentically live with themselves.
  • Respond to insights in the creative process.
  • Finding the magical situation. Restless hunger for discovering their direction.

Discoverer Advocate™ Snap Shot

  • Angela's theme is inspiration, both of themselves and others.
  • Her talents lie in grasping profound significance, revealing truths, and motivating others.
  • Very perceptive of others’ hidden motives and purposes, Angela is interested in everything about individuals and their stories as long as they are genuine.
  • She has a contagious enthusiasm for “causes” that further good and develop latent potential and have the same zeal for revealing dishonesty and inauthenticity.
  • Frequently, Angela is moved to enthusiastically communicate their “message.”
Whole Type Authors
Original work by: Linda Berens Dario Nardi © Step Research Corporation